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Does the software offer templates to build schedules?


Does the software take requests for leave and absences into account when producing schedules?

Yes. Once the requests are approved, they are automatically taken into account when preparing the schedule.

Does the software handle deferred holidays, last-minute replacements, and schedule exchanges between employees?

Yes. During a replacement, the PIL Solution can suggest people available based on skills and seniority.

How does the employee receive his schedule?

When the schedule is ready, it is immediately available on the employee user interface. You also have the possibility to transmit schedules by email or cell phone.

What about budget compliance?

The PIL Solution allows managers to make the right choices by detailing the costs associated with each schedule proposal.

Is it possible to define schedules by department, project or for all employees of the company?

Yes! You define for which portion of the team you want to create a schedule, and that’s it!

Recordings / Punch

Does the punch offer more than recording attendance times?

Yes, the PIL Solution compares the records with the scheduled times, and allows the employee to send a justification for any violations. The punch is also used to explain the nature of overtime or to post instructions to the employee. With the PIL Solution, employees can apply for leave directly from their interface and register for tasks, projects, products, departments, and more!

Smart Time Clock

Does the system calculate overtime, premiums and time banks?


Does the system allow me to make corrections, even after the approval of time cards?

Yes. The PIL Solution allows you to make any necessary manual corrections.


Does the PIL Solution offer an approval system? Example: Approval by department heads before publication.

Yes. The PIL Solution simplifies the task of supervisors and managers by identifying time cards where corrections could be made.

Do absences and violations appear on the time card?

Yes! In addition, PIL allows you to provide the employee with real-time notification of problems with his or her records or others.

Can the PIL Solution issue offense notices?

Yes! The details of each infraction are automatically recorded in the employee’s HR file included in the software.

Holidays and absences

Does the system keep the details of any leave and absence of the employee?

Yes! The PIL Solution collects all the information relating to holidays and absences and accumulates them for you.

Does the system keep a history of holidays and absences?

Yes! The logs will be kept as long as you want.

Is the employee notified when his leave request is accepted or refused?

Yes, he will receive notice by the punch, on his user interface or on his cell phone.

Human resources

What do we find in the Human Resources section of The PIL Solution?

There are 6 sections: Hiring, Absence, Attendance, Evaluation, Notices and Miscellaneous. The hiring section includes the employment contract, the confidentiality agreement and the code of ethics, among others. The Absences section gives you the history of past and future absences, by type. The Attendance section gives you the details of all approved and actual offenses. The Evaluation section allows you to keep notes after evaluation or other meetings. The Notices section provides a detailed log of the various notices issued. The Misc section produces analyzes based on expected times and actual attendance versus productive times.

Project management

Is it possible to track labor costs and expenses by task, employee or customer?

Yes, thanks to the project management of the PIL Solution, you can track all the expenses of your company. The PIL Solution can be used both in the context of a manufacturing company, for the professional who records his costs by client or mandate, or the contractor who wants to track costs per project.

Several analyzes are proposed to give information by customer, project, mandate, product, employee, task … A complete history including billing information is available. It is even possible to schedule necessary tasks in advance or recurring billing.

Import / Export

Is it possible to import and export data with other software on employees, customers and projects?

Absolutely! We have developed links many administrative and accounting software providers. If we do not have the import / export that suits you, we will develop it with your cooperation following the approval of your supplier.

Communications Center

What is the Communications Center?

First to organize confirmed individual or group meetings. Secondly, it’s a great way to keep in touch with your employees: they can keep you informed about problems or advice about their work, or make requests to the administration and quickly get an answer.


What information is found on the dashboard?

Employees present / absent, possible replacements, violations, notices to be issued, messages from employees, completed tasks, and much more! All in real time so you always know.